Friday, September 27, 2013


Southern Living
Remembering people long past and gently missed.


  1. The most beautiful thing is the wonderful memories that keep us company.

  2. Sweet story about Aunt Odie and cousin Glee.
    All of my Aunts are gone now and the cousins are going to soon.

  3. Hi Rachel, Home this afternoon for the first time this week. My sister is getting help 'galore' today. All four of us showed up at my sister's house this morning not knowing we would all be there together. So the five sisters drank coffee, visited each other, then cleaned our recovering sisters downstairs and did laundry. It was a special time for sure. The recovery is coming along very well and happiness abounded within our little sister's home.

    The pound cake looks lovely and when we remember those we love that have gone before us it is a perfect occasion to have something good to eat.
    Love, Jeanne

  4. Memories are sweet - just like pound cake. And, I have memories of pound cake shared with many I have loved and have loved me.♥
