While we were on our IronMan/Kentucky trip, our friends gave us a little box of fresh figs. Chris is so very fond of fig preserves and since you can hardly find big old lush preserving figs here, I made some---a teensy pimiento jar was what the several figs afforded, plus a tiny “cook’s cup.” The tiny dab left over after you’ve filled all the jars of a canning, plus all the sweet, sticky spillage onto the plate beneath the jars---those are savored with bread and butter, or as a nice sweet point to a quick meal on a day you can't endure putting ANOTHER thing on that hot stove.
The little “side plate” is Sweetpea’s divided tray, garnished with cute frogs, and neat for whatever she’s eating. I was cutting up a bag of cheese sticks for when she and I have our fruit and cheese after her nap, so some of those, plus a coupla boiled eggs, some babybels, the fig bonus cup, and some fresh papaya went onto the tray. We never eat all that’s put out, but I like to have a pretty plate or tray, with nice accompaniments---leftovers are a GOOD THING.
His Sandwiches: Lettuce, tomato, salt, and a lavish hand with the Blue Plate---very crisp bacon on the side:
And, always, Winter or Summer, big glasses of Luzianne---we have a big set of these glasses, in all different jewelly colors, but I took out just the two pink ones, and have used them so long, and run them through the dishwasher so often, they’re losing their shine:
He chewed, contemplating. And then, in one of the most circuitous “No Thank You’s" I’ve ever heard, said, “At this point in my consumption of the meal, it would kinda be a waste to introduce it.”
Word for word, because I came straight over here and wrote it down before going back to my breakfast, laughing like a loon.
He got that from his father, not his mother.