Saturday, August 24, 2013






Someone who gets up on Saturday while you’re still sleeping, and brings great bounty home from the Farmer’s Market?



And cuts it and cooks it and brings you a taste on a spoon?


Tee-ninecy baby straight-necks, shiny and new?

Green-crisp snap beans, perfect for the pot, to go with tiny new-dug potatoes---extra points for birth-earth still clinging?

Beloved sets of hands, to snap and shell and peel as they laugh and chat and carry on family rites older than memory. Sweetpea, Sis and Caro:


The differences in tomato countenances, just like people---rugged or smooth or innocent or guarding secrets within.  I prefer to look at them straight-on, because in those usual back-of-the-head displays, you can’t tell who is sweet and who is not, or if they’re tender and good, or stem AND stern all the way through. 


A promising fellow, mature enough to be mellow, but still with a smile and a spring in his step:


We had that one for lunch today, with peppery bacon, Wonder Bread, and Blue Plate.  A peach cobbler, also from the market, cinnamony and crusted with sandy sugar, still warm from the baking, from a nice lady with a lovely name. 


Perfectly peeled by Chris, with the shine and depth of gems. 


Heavy, juicy peaches, with the scent of sun still on their fuzzy cheeks.

The genuine, flowery-faces of patty-pans.   They’re like some people, who never realize how beautiful they are.


The view from my patio chair:

Sunny bench for Morning Coffee:


Same bench, with its green welcome of an afternoon: 


Yes, I’m aware of the dangers in the pot---we don’t shun people or places because of a few prickles.   We just try to keep out of prickle-range.

Fairy dell with its year-round carpet of ivy, violets and moss, with the most enchanting strange little glows in places, as the twilight  comes down.




Paddling with flamingoes in the pond: 


Caro’s Blueberry Trifle:


In the shady arbor:


And people who love you through all your flaws, even a bad toupee.


All you dear folks who visit, who comment, who drop in from time to time, those who are unknown save for the same familiar towns popping up so faithfully on the sidebar, and those who have been here every day of these 900 posts---ALL OF YOU:





  1. Fresh vegetable are beautiful! And
    sounds like a very special person.

  2. Wonderful post. Love the bounty of the summer. Love and keep well.

  3. The following is a comment I posted on your first post, and it is still very true today, as you celebrate your 900th:

    "Thank you, dear Rachel, for brightening our days and enriching our lives by sharing with us your God-given talent of putting words to paper in a such a glorious way that never fails to entertain, inspire, and touch our hearts."

    I look forward to the next 900, my friend!

  4. Wow, congratulations on 900 posts! All of your fabulous vegetable photos make me want to run right out to the farmer's market.
    Thanks so much for stopping by. You asked where you could buy samples for some of my wallpapers (the room you're working on sounds darling), so here's the link:
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  5. Oh Rachel, your 900th post is a tribute to the people who love you. I am sure the trip to the Farmer's Market was proof of how much YOU are loved. The veggies look soooo delicious. The visit to your sweet places in your yard is a treat. Pink flamingos are a hoot. Lovely and fun. Great photos as well. Your stories are without a doubt the most interesting, inspiring, humorous and fun read. You are blessed with your gift of writing. I am blessed that you considered me your friend.
    Love you bunches,

  6. I went to the farmers market at the Jackson fairgrounds on Saturday. I bought a watermelon from Pocohontas-let me tell you Smith County has nothing on them. It was delicious! I love this market -it is in a wonderful. It is in a wonderful new building, with a restaurant. It is nice to go have an old fashioned breakfast there and then shop and enjoy the live entertainment, among visits with all of the vendors. I always buy too much, but it is oh so good.

  7. Wow, your 900th post. Looks like I will have a lot to go back and read for sure.
    Those veggies look divine and the carpet of Ivy looks so inviting. I keep trying to grow Ivy for ground cover but somehow I always manage to kill it, still doesn't keep me from trying though.

  8. Lovely and loving post, my dear. And, oh, those tomatoes! I thought I was the only person who bothered to peel tomatoes anymore!
