Thursday, July 8, 2010


We're hitting the road in a minute---WAY down to the coast, to meet that new GRANDSON and see lots of family. I cooked all day yesterday so I won't have to do too much once we get there, and Sam's supplies of paper products are badly depleted, as well.

Caro and Company will carry on in our absence, keeping the ship afloat and on course, and we'll see you back here on Sunday!!

Thank you all for everything. Everybody have a SAFE and happy weekend!



  1. How exciting, Rachel! Best wishes for a safe and memorable trip. I can't wait to see your pictures.

  2. Wishing you a safe trip and a glorious meeting of the new wee one!

  3. Oh Rachel,
    I so thrilled for you and for the warm, sweet nuggles which soon will be yours. Take a memory picture as you hold him close and drink him in! There is nothing like holding a precious new spirit who will occupy a HUGE part of your heart forever. :) Enjoy and be safe.

  4. Have a wonderful trip! And, get lots of good 'sugar'.

  5. How great, can't think of a better way to spend the week end..then with friends and family and of course the new Grand. Be sure and don't kiss those sweet checks off.

  6. Tell Chris to send lots of pictures of all of you! Have a wonderful time, Rachel.

  7. Safe travels! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

  8. Rachel, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time on your trip. I have missed visiting you but time is always an issue around this busy household. Thank you so much for your very loyal visits. I love you for your very sweet comments on my posts. Kiss and hug your new grandson for me. A new baby is such a joy.

    Blessings and love, jeanne

  9. AWWWWW, Y'ALL!!

    What a sweet homecoming!!!! We've just arrived and staggered into the house---we observed our
    Anniversary by riding all these hundreds of miles HOME today (yesterday, as it's 12:30).

    Thank you all for all your good wishes---we did, and he is, and there WAS and we were and they were there, and we were sadly missing some of our expected ones, and THAT BOY IS A PEACH!!

    The minute they walked in and set down the little car-seat on the kitchen counter, his Ganner walked up to introduce himself, and the little fellow grinned a gummy grin and did that wonderful head-tuck thing like babies do when they're "teased" and just chattered away to his Ganner for the longest time. And he's only 10 weeks old.

    Much moire non, but we're Plumb Tuckered Out!!
