you to the several people who e-mailed recently to ask why I don’t publish my
blog, or at least some of the Southern stories.
I so appreciate the great compliment and confidence, but I’m not at all
a plot-smith. And though I’ve had lovely
reactions to the small bits I write for LAWN TEA, it’s just descriptions
mostly, and you can stay interested for JUST SO LONG in colours and expressions and
postures and events; you gotta have a PLOT.
are vast MASTERS of that, who weave stories out of whole cloth, with warp and
weft swayed to accommodate truth or lie, deeds or thoughts. Close-up or back-up-and-squint, their stories have pattern and sequence, woven through with threads which provide texture and strength to the whole. And then there are those who patch their stories out of the frayed edges all the way around, winding and darning until
the tale rings true, if thin. Somewhere
in there, I guess I must work around the selvage, not matching up with the whole
picture and having none of the pattern, just some mismatched threads. I think I just skip-hop around the periphery
of stuff, knitting up a few little
flowers there, embroidering a pile of leaves amongst the snarls, some hard-as-a-hickry-nut moments in the knots, or some fronds of lazy fern-waves behind the sheers.
the centrals, the life-patterns and the true colours of the REAL that evade
me. Just prinking a plot together would
probably stretch my feeble brain and drive me to making voodoo dolls. It’s like me and card games---I can trump
whatever you put down there, but haven’t a clue in Killarney what to lead with
are my friends. Never met many I didn’t
embrace and claim for my own, and since there are so many, I scatter-shot them
haphazardly across hill and dale, with plenty left for the ditches and the
ruts. I know all about spare prose; I
read the tight, terse words, strung together like perfect pearls. Given one of those exquisite sentences, I would
be struck by the purity and absolute perfection of the statement. If the same thought were my own, I’d be
throwing in descriptives right and left, seeing in my mind all the intricacies
of the idea, but losing those pearls right off the string into a great mudhole
of modifiers. In my hands, “Call me
Ishmael,” would have deteriorated into this great doily of introduction up to
and including bows and curtsies, and that whale-hunt would have outlasted Ahab, Whale and Pequod.
a plot, now---that’s just not in my telling.
I’d start out a few lines, then veer wildly between whatever I’m reading
now, maybe some Ivanhoe, a bit of Grafton, three lines from Hamlet, a little
Reacher, a little Captains Courageous, some stolen string theory, a smidge of
Princess Bride, a page or two of Tarzan, and wild wavers between Idgie
Threadgoode and Raylan Givens. All the while visualizing, as I do, the
diverse group of all the fabulous character actors whose faces and voices would
fill the parts.
There are supposed to be less than half a
dozen plots in the known world anyway, and they’ve been used and re-used and
re-written and convoluted and plagiarized and re-purposed til the cows come
home. Don’t writers ever worry that the
exact set of circumstances they’re writing so feverishly about, with all the new-to-them
labors of their harried, fertile brains, might have been published in 1898 or
2004, by some housewife from Little Rock, still unknown and stuck with several
hundred languishing copies? There they’d
be---not having read those particular stories, with a year’s worth of work and
re-write and edit and submissions and rejection slips, all finally accepted by HarperCollins and
ready to go---and then falls the ax on the whole deal.
I'll just hang right here, overdoing the descriptions, with
nowhere to go but down another prosy path too overgrown with words.
I received three books yesterday, by Rick Bragg, new-to-me author whose Southern prose will make
your eyes bug out and tear up and go REAL wide at the same time your heart is
just stricken with the moment, it’s so good. One of those “Where Has This Been for So
Long?” kinda writers.
I, who spent about five hours Thursday peep-reading page after page of his
work from quite a few Amazon books with the little doohickey you can click for
a sample. I came
out of that trance pure-Dee drunk with words and phrases I’ve heard and used all
my life, all arranged anew like anagrams of what I thought words should say. It didn’t matter which books---I’d just keep
at one, drinking it all in, til it ran out, then on to the next---different
title, different plot, but OH, that self-same gift for making you sit up and
take notice and remember and marvel and tremble some.
going to go keep reading now---All Over But the Shoutin'---one of three which arrived
yesterday, new and shining like treasure tumbling from the box. Now THERE’S a WRITER. He uses lots of words, as well, but they’re
spare and apt and exactly right. The
plot of this one, since it’s autobiographical, is as old as Adam and Eve, but
so wonderfully told in his Southern phrasing and stark sentences---a gift
seldom found. I devoured half the first one last night, in this quiet room with no sound save my turning pages and Chris' small finger-waves at his Nook, with an occasional soft sigh from me, marveling at the genius of a line. I don't think Genius can describe this.
you, Latane, for the introduction.