friend Rachel overt Lawn Tea said she’d missed all a y’all so MUCH lately, and
hopes so much that you’re doing better and better. She’s told me so much about your wonderful
family, with all those beautiful sweet Grand-children and all, and your lovely
home that you keep so well. She talks
about your good cookin’ and how you sure do know your way around makin’ a good
biscuit, and that you just do beat all when it comes to keepin’ house and
arrangin’ things in such a nice way for all your family to enjoy.
BJ's Spring decor
those gatherin’s!! I do love to look at
all those happy faces around all those tables in your dinin’ room! Why, such good company would be sweetenin’ enough,
even without that good ole iced tea to go around, and I marvel at your ease in
the gettin’ ready. Why, I been cookin’
nigh onto seventy years---bein’s I started out when I was about maybe six, and
had to stand up on the lard can to mix that pan of biscuits, and I never saw
such a hand at turnin’ out such good meals and dinners as y’all seem to just
conjure up out of the air.
bj breakfast
Weren’t them some days, though? I wouten take nothin’ for those early mornin’s
when whoever had stovewood duty would be in there a-clangin’ and a-blowin’ as I
caught up the water for the coffeepot, and we had the kitchen all to ourselves
for a quiet little talk before the sun come up and the coffee boiled. I think now they might call that “one-on-one
time,” but back then, you just grabbed whatever minute you could get between
school and work
and the young-un’s studyin’ and chores---why, I bet I had more good talks with
my brood as we shouted around a cow’s rump while we was each a-milkin, than
anybody does sittin’ together having a stranger paint their toenails. I’m just sayin’.

ready for the Bunco Group
can’t you just SMELL that good boilin’ coffee?
I don’t think any a them new coffeeshops could ever equal that good
eggshell coffee we useta make in that big ole blue enamel pot. And bacon a-fryin’? You and I have cooked our share of good
breakfasts, I bet, and Rachel says you’re the only person she’s ever known who
could write forty-nine articles on BISCUITS, and make them beautiful and
mouth-waterin’, ever single one.
Her pepper biscuits
also showed me the hand you have for decoratin’, with all the flowers and
pretty pitchers and jars, and all that smart checkedy cloth and plates to set ‘em
off. She and I love RED almost as much
as you do, and we talk about your dab hand with red all the time.
ready for the Bunco Group
just wanted to drop you a note and say how much I enjoy your writin’ and
pictures and cookin’ and the way you LOVE and share your family times and all
the love that’s bound y’all together for so long. What a family, and what a pair you two
are---strong and kind and just bustin’ with love for one another.
send you my good thoughts and prayers for strength and healing and good reports
from your doctors, as well as good rest and peaceful sleep as you fight and win
this battle so bravely together.
haven’t met yet, but I just love all a Y’all.
new friend and reader,
ps You said Borry anytime, and I couldn't reach you to ask, so I borried a few of your lovely pictures for my friends to see. xoxo