those of you who have remarked that Paxton is such a pleasant place, and that
the people all seem so NICE---there ARE warts, and there are prickles and
stings, but we try hard to ignore them.
Delois Walker was a Mrs. at one time in the past, but the Mister is no longer
in the picture. I don’t know if they
divorced, or if they had a fallin’ out, or even if he just got tired of her
bossy ways and slunk off in the night/with another woman/had a nervous
breakdown and got committed, or any of a dozen ways to leave your
impossible-to-love lover. Her Mama said
she cried and carried on for ever so long after he left, but only because of
What People Would Think. And her Mama
also said that Miss Dee-Lawis got up on a High Horse when she was still in a
High Chair, and never did come down off of it, no matter how they tried to
please her.
doesn’t laugh or anything at your misfortune, so I don’t think she’s just mean,
but she certainly states her opinion of whatever folks do or don’t. Miss
Dee-lawis is not a happy woman. She not
only is not happy, she just goes about it in a lot of unpleasant ways. She carries a cloud, she does, and mostly she
IS one. And she’s a past master of using
derogatory dismissals:
“Well, you kin jes git GLAD in the same step-ins you
got MAD in!”
if you’re gonna be THAT way about it.”
IIII wouldn’t, but just do what you want to.”
up to yew.” SNIFF
not wearin’ THAT, are you?”
on God’s Earth cut-chur hair?”
jes’ BE that way, then.” SNIFF
always wants to know where you’ve been, who you saw, what you bought, what you
did there. And if any of the trip or
evening or day’s jaunt included any of the high-falutin’ things she doesn’t
cotton to, she has an exasperating habit that would irritate the robe off a
makes her mouth into a little tight round like a Cheerio, tilts her head a
little bit toward one shoulder, shakes her head a little bit with her eyebrows
up and eyes closed, and makes the most obnoxious little inhaling whistle. I just never saw the like---the moment she finds
out you’ve enjoyed the Opera, or a dance recital, or bought a subscription to
anything other than Woman’s Day or Redbook, she does that little head/eye/mouth-thing
that must require a lot of co-ordination or practice, one.
vote practice, because like Aint Ruby, who was JUBUS of things and folks, Miss Dee-Lawis is critical, but mainly of
things she is not a part of---the Bailey girls’ debuts at the Jackson
Cotillion, for example. That was Puttin
on the Dawg, and givin’ it a hat, both. She said that those girls’ Mama had just got WAY above her raisin’ and just because
she married money, she had no call to go flauntin’ her checkbook like that. The very idea.
even put in to be the town correspondent for the County Paper
one time, since she knew so much about every little thing that happened around
the town. She was gently declined in
favor of Carlisle Emerson---Carlisle having a
typewriter and a couple of years of college, and all. And besides, Carlisle
talked nice about people.
Dee-Lawis will zero in on a wedding in
which the flowers were ordered from OFF, or a party with a TENT, and that time
the Covingtons and Heafners went in together and had that truck of seafood
brought up from the coast from Gollott’s for their kids’ graduation party---oh,
my. Why, that last one kept her in a ruckus
for weeks.
when she and Miss Mavis Meeker get together---the whole town glows from the burnin’