Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My heart is with my friend Kat at Just a Beachkat today. Her family has suffered a great tragedy, so let's remember them in our thoughts and prayers for Grace and Strength as they sort through this sad time.


  1. Rachel, thank you for letting us know about this tragedy. I left a note for Kat on her blog. She's such a sweet person and I'm so sorry this happened to her family.

  2. Rachel, thank you for posting this. I went straight to Kat's blog to offer prayers. I am devastated for that family.

    Hugs, Jeanne
    PS: I commented on your previous posts. In case you don't check back. Smile!

  3. Thank you both for your concern and reaching out to Kat---the family is devastated and I'm sure they're just trying to take it in. It will be a while til they can absorb details and begin to comprehend, I imagine.

    And Jeanne, I always check back. I love hearing from Y'all, even from a year ago.
