Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh, Thank you!!! Thank you all for sharing this once-in-a-lifetime moment, as we welcome a small one who will weave his own threads into our family tapestry.

We're so grateful and so humble to accept this gift, and will do everything we can to do our part in his life.

I cannot write of him just yet, of height and weight and eyes and hair color---it's still too tender and fragile a spot in our hearts, so filled with the magic of this special blessing we've been given.

And Rebecca---I don't know how you hit upon it, unless I've written of it before, but Ganner is Chris' Grand-Dad name, bestowed by our Gracie when she lived with us. It started as GrandDear, and of course was re-done by her sweet baby voice.
We'll have her and the rest of the Georgia clan here as soon as school's out, for a couple of weeks, and then we'll go South to meet our New (as he's been referred to in every prayer and Blessing-at-meals since we've known of his coming). We'd always say "Amen" and then hold out our hands, in successively larger little cup-nests, as he grew, and now, we hold out our arms to hold him.


  1. Much love and happy thoughts to you and yours during this wonderful time! His honorary Auntie Maggie welcomes him to the big wide world.

  2. Oh dear, I missed the announcement of the New dear baby boy. Congratulations Rachel and I am so happy to know all is well. Time flew by this very busy week and I am late with my good wishes for all of you. These good wishes come from my heart my dear friend. I am truly thrilled for the safe arrival of this blessed event.
    Love to all,

  3. One day he will read these words and grin. And, deep in his heart he will feel a warm glow know just how much he was anticipated and how special his family really is! God bless him!

  4. I am so happy for you! Congratulations to your entire family!
