Thursday, January 11, 2024


All my life I've had folks tell me that I have "such a sunny outlook," and that I "look on the Bright Side."   Several readers have in the past commented on my use of the words, "They BRIGHT me,"   or "It BRIGHTS me," to mean the subject matter/picture/person/scene/item/thought/prayer/wish/greeting or gift touched my heart or mind in a way to bring joy to my day.  It could be a stranger's family photo, or a lucky find at a Thrift Shop or verse on a pillow---so many things just take my imagination and send it soaring, or bring a smile of a remembered friend, or simply give a fresh meaning to ordinary objects and days.

And not so long ago, after a lifetime of being in the family I was born to, I discovered the most remarkable thing:   BRIGHT is a vivid, long-time attribute of our Family Tree.  Just thinking back on family names brought the strangest assemblage of similar names I've ever encountered---born to, and married into, and named for--accounted for the strangest convocation of synonyms outside Roget's ken.  

So---to the FAMILY TREE, to start with me:   My Daddy married a young lady named RAY, and then my middle name was RAY for my Mother.  


Daddy's older sister was Lucille---which means "Light."

His baby sister was Nell---Shining Light.    She married a young man whose name was BRIGHT.

Daddy's brother married a young woman whose maiden name was SPARKS.

Mother's only sibling married a young woman whose maiden name was RAY.

Daddy's only other sister's married name was WOOD---without which no good fire . . .



  1. No wonder you are a sunny person! Miss Bright - you were born to it!!!

  2. Marthalene Germany HarrisJanuary 13, 2024 at 2:05 PM

    Hello my Sunny Sis!! Such a joy to catch a glimpse of you. You have been on, in and camped on my mind. There was a soft pink, but BRIGHT sunset in Southeast Texas last evening, and just who do you suppose popped in my eyes, but little ole you! If we in fact have a choice every day to chose negative or positive, which we do, I chose a laugh every time!! Tootle-oo for now! Your little Yexas Sis
