Saturday, June 17, 2023



It was a lovely small party yesterday at eight. A.M.  My dearest-ever neighbor turned 97, and we held her 17th Annual Strawberry Breakfast.  We started the tradition on her 80th, thinking often time in the interim we’d have a LAWN TEA---indeed, we planned one numerous times.   I’d named my blog LAWN TEA because it connoted those lovely Southern parties with all of us ladies in pastel sundresses, our sandals on the new-mown grass and a julep or punch cup in every hand on the long-shadow lawns of our past.  It just seemed the thing TO DO, for this lovely neighbor whose childhood was spend in War-approaching Germany, whose teens were eked out  during the War, when she and her mother depended on scant rations and a lone pear tree in the back yard for a taste of sweetness occasionally in those worry-fraught years. 


She met and married a sweet young soldier in 1947 and came to America a War Bride, of which I had heard much, and met just this one.  Their four daughters were raised in the little ranch house-to-match-ours next door, going to the school just around the blocks and achieving wonderful careers and lives for themselves, and all still look after their Mother at a gentle remove, looking in and calling and visiting, bringing her groceries and taking her to appointments and going to lunch every weekend, with a great respect for her independence and active mind and her wish to “do things as long as I can.”


I tease her that SHE and The Tree in the backyard and the second kitchen downstairs were the “selling points” twenty-five years ago when we bought this house---we made and cultivated a devoted friendship across that back gate for a year as Chris and I wavered over the purchase, with my trips every few weeks to Mississippi in my Mother’s last year.  And now we’re here---fast friends and happy neighbors for these decades.  She’s watched the grandchildren enter our lives, taught several of them to knit, to bead, to crochet.  She was a firm shoulder all those last years, when Chris was declining, and a steady, interested visitor and caller all these three years since. 


Yesterday was a quiet, just-us-three-at-table little breakfast, just her and Leah and me, with pink cloth and dishes and deep cups of the strong coffee we both like; we had a broccoli/tomato quiche and two kinds of pastries and a lovely ham steak, sizzled just as we sat down.   The strawberries seemed to know about this special occasion and put on their best, plumpest, sweetest selves for our party.   I don’t think we’ve ever served any more plump and sweet, they were huge, ringing a little chocolate bundt cake on the pink stand.   She smiled a lot as usual, and ate more than I’ve seen her in a long while, taking seconds of the quiche and several berries, and we sent her home with all the leftovers. 


We sat at table for three hours, eight to eleven, talking about her childhood and courtship and that long journey here, and all her daughters and their families, and so many other things about her long life.   Memorable day, bestest friend of my heart.   



  1. My dear R,

    Greetings from Scotland. What a tremendous surprise to find you on here again! Welcome back! I have missed "your voice" and your reminiscences which are like a refreshing breeze from the sea. Your online presence alone makes a world better place to dwell - a place full of kind thoughts and joy by spreading your immense love and generosity. I can't wait to go back and read all the posts that I've missed since you've started again. It appears that the gracious living and southern hospitality - a time-honoured tradition, which I very much admire, still continue in such style and sophistication - at Lawn Tea. You always have such a way with words, especially in the way you record the commonplaces of one's daily life that are passed over by others.

    You not only provided delicious food and drink to celebrate a dear friend's birthday but also pleasant memories. I'm delighted to hear that you had a wonderful celebration for Mrs Copper's birthday. It appears to be a momentous occasion. It is a blessing to have such a wonderful neighbour who was also a talented, reliable and steadfast friend. Learning how to do crochet is a lost art! Strawberries and chocolate are a match made in heaven!

    I hope all is well with you and your family.

    With warmest wishes, ASD

    1. My Dear Faraway Friend,

      You must have been reading and writing just now, as I sat here doing Facebook comments on raising ducks on your lawn with someone who just got here first little couple of Pekings. My own experiences with ducks are quite more robust and far-ago, but related in many earlier posts here.
      It has been the most beautiful Spring that I can remember, weather-wise, since we moved to Indiana, and indeed, probably the most wonderful sunny days of my life, for the days of living in THE SOUTH were almost always to hot, too soon. The air feels like water on your skin, and the whole yard is GREEN---I awake in a green aerie, seemingly in the tree-tops, for the shrubberies and hedges around my little room (smallest in the house, in a corner, hand-painted with vined walls in several shades of green by Leah as well, and several feet more from the ground than a usual ground floor) are rampantly reaching for sky and everything between---the grapevines alone stretch along wires from house to FAR back fence, and serve as lovely fare for Paxton the tortoise, and are clipped in great swaths several times a week, brought into the house, and scissored leaf by leaf off into my lap, as easily as sitting down to knit.

      Thank you for coming back---I didn't know if I ever would, and indeed, could not get back in as writer until I consulted a lovely woman who helps all us ladies untutored in the ways of the Internet. It's lovely to be here again, and I hope to have a few interesting stories and happenings as the Summer arrives and life goes on. It's wonderful to hear from you---the days just stretch on betwixt dawn and twilight, and seem a blink sometimes. We sit down to lunch or dinner or whatever meal we decide to have that day, depending on whim, and stroll the Cotswolds and Highlands with whatever host of Escape to the Country is available in the long roster, or peek like children into vast loft apartments and 500 sq. foot apartments alike, with a lovely tour of their THINGS---the things of their travels and inheritance and everyday accumulating, all arrayed on walls and counters and on furniture as old as our country. I think that during all this upheaval and change and loss, I haven't been looking so much for beauty (you contribute a lovely amount of that to my life with your own days and adventures and the dressings of your own home and entertaining---the music and books and flowers and quilts are like soft Summer rain on thirsty crops) as we must have been seeking places which are KEPT, which are neat and ordered and organized, and something-on-every-tabletop does not include laundry, half-read books, a case of water-pack Albacore, and the hedge shears. It's ORDER I need, and it's a serene Spaceness of things, amongst all the accumulation of this long life I've been given---I've had a BIG birthday since we've corresponded, and nothing feels different---not slower, not more difficult, just sameness and hope for the inclination to MAKE some order in things. Thank you for dropping in, and for your sweet note. You always BRIGHT me.

  2. My dear R,

    What a tremendous surprise to find you on here again! Welcome back! I have missed "your voice" and your reminiscences which are like a refreshing breeze from the sea. Your online presence alone makes a world better place to dwell - a place full of kind thoughts and joy by spreading your immense love and generosity. I can't wait to go back and read all the posts that I've missed since you've started again. It appears that the gracious living and southern hospitality - a time-honoured tradition, which I very much admire, still continue in such style and sophistication - at Lawn Tea. You always have such a way with words, especially in the way you record the commonplaces of one's daily life that are passed over by others.

    You not only provided delicious food and drink to celebrate a dear friend's birthday but also pleasant memories. I'm delighted to hear that you had a wonderful celebration for Mrs Cooper's birthday. It appears to be a momentous occasion. It is a blessing to have such a wonderful neighbour who is also a talented, reliable and steadfast friend. Learning how to do crochet is a lost art! Strawberries and chocolate are a match made in heaven!

    I hope all is well with you and your family.

    With warmest wishes, ASD
