Kit's Birthday Party on Saturday was moved indoors, because of an all-night/all day rain. Despite the change in plans, the mood was happy, the celebration noisy and fun, and everyone seemed to have a really good time. The Birthday Girl had requested a Hannah Montana/Princess party---quite a combination---and had chosen a cake pattern from a bakery in GA. Her Mom got all the parts and pretties for construction of the “castle” and also the plates, the napkins, and a big festive cloth befitting Princessly revels.
She also included a HM “You’re a Rock Star” drinking glass for the Honoree, and Aunt Caro provided party favors of bubblegum and jewelry, all in the HM vein as well. All that splendor seemed to gladden the heart of everybody, and we settled in at three tables downstairs.
And, of course, before we sat down to lunch, we had our usual rousing dance to Joe Cocker’s “Feelin’ All Right”---lotsa napkin-waving, quick-stepping, booty-shaking goin’ on. All the kids and almost every one of the adults got into the swing of things, bumping into each other, furniture, pets, and each other again, as we sashayed and wiggled all around the party area.
Everybody always remembers this, and asks to do it again.
We had a nice Spring/Summery lunch, meant for a leisurely, gracious time outdoors, and it served as well for a nice indoor gathering, listening to the soft rainfall.
In the background are Butter-and-Jam Fingers---the beginning of most Tea Parties, and Honey Ham and Cheese on Rolls:
Crudite, served with ranch dip:
Celery sticks with Peanut Butter/honey for dipping:
Peanut Butter and Peach Jam Hearts
Baby Red Potato Salad:
Shrimp Remoulade:
And for Dessert: Berries with Powdered Sugar in the big berry.
Tiny cupcake brownies:
Lemon Petits Fours:
And that fabulous Birthday Cake---made by Aunt Caro:
With Breyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and a dish of Toasted Pecans.
The time was much too short, as usual, and just re-living it through pictures and memories these past few days has been a lovely little project. They'll be back before Summer's close, and we'll have more to do, more to see, and we'll hope to catch up on all the fun things we didn't have time for this visit.