Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Many a year between those eighth birthdays, for Sweetpea and me, but there’s a wonderful connection in time and self---the shiny cheeks and shy, secret smiles that cloak the knowledge of what the lady cardinal looks like through her beloved's eyes, which flowers most call to the bees, which leafy dells harbor the most elusive fairies---those are some of the “alikes” that everybody mentions.   It's a legacy all our own, connected and sure.

And of her birthday party last week, moiré non.


  1. You both are cute little girls. Oh to be eight again I would wonder what I would do differently. I think I don't want to go there. I hope your daughter had a very happy birthday.

  2. Very cute pics and what wonderful loving memories you are endowing the adorable Sweetpea wuth....oh how she'll enchant HER grandchildren passing along those delightful tales of those leafy dells.bee magnet blooms...

  3. Rachel, I can't remember being eight, though my grand daughter is turning eight in September.

  4. OMG! A little chip off the block! Precious! Oh to be eight again! Now I have a big ole zero added to that, but I'm thankful for each birthday.

  5. Very sweet post and such adorable pictures. Can see a striking resemblance. Oh, to be a child of eight again.

  6. Truly your spittin' image! AND, if she is so frtunate, if e are all so fortunate, she has your heart and mind as well as your twinkle and grin!

  7. Sweet girls! Make sure you keep those two pictures together. She will always cherish them.
